Katarina cut her two top front teeth this week. After a rough weekend, they broke through the gums on Monday (Jan. 24th) and are still growing in. Poor baby! But she is certainly enjoying eating finger foods with her new teeth!
Kati loves to play Peek-a-Boo! She also likes to hand toys to us and have us give them back to her. These interactive games are so funny to her, and her laugh warms my heart.
Tita Chrissie stayed here through New Year's, so we had more fun play time with her. Yay!
Everyone enjoyed watching Katarina smile and dance along with the singing snowman whenever he played music. It's amazing to see my children develop musical talent at such a young age.
Great-Granddad Leo and Gramma Jane and Uncle Brian also came to visit us for New Year's. The two big girls helped Great-Granddad do his exercises by counting to 20 for him, and they were even able to assist in putting on the sock for his prosthetic leg. We were so blessed to be able to spend this time with my 97-year-old Granddad.
Great-Granddad enjoyed holding the baby and watching all the girls play. He was impressed with how well Katarina can scoot around on the floor to get where she wants to be, and he remarked several times about how good of a baby she is to sit and entertain herself.
On New Year's Day, we went ice skating at the River Market downtown with friends Dalia and Zaina. Great-Granddad, Gramma Jane, Uncle Brian, and Dalia and Zaina's grandmother came to watch. The girls started off needing help, but by the end, they could skate on their own.
Bye, bye! Thanks for visiting us, Gramma Jane, Uncle Brian, and Great-Granddad.
Bye-bye, Tita Chrissie! Come again soon.
I'll also share a few pictures from Cousin Steven's 11th birthday dinner last month:
Santa brought all three girls tutus for Christmas. Here Katarina is modeling hers:
We call our little one "Baby" so often that Kati recognizes "Baby" as referring to her and responds. I sure do love having a baby!
Lego Kid!
9 years ago
Melissa - Katarina looks so much like you! And all three of them are adorable.