While Kati still seems like my baby, she is growing and developing quickly.
At 13 months, she cut her two lower lateral incisors, and a week or so later cut the two upper lateral incisors. She had ear infections simultaneously with the teething, so that was a rough couple of weeks. Now she is much happier, and she has 8 teeth total.
Kati-Lily will pull up and cruise around furniture, and she loves to walk while holding our hands. She especially needs someone to hold her left hand, although she'd prefer both hands be held.
She's fairly steady (although not yet confident) just standing on her feet. While standing unsupported, she can clap, put on a necklace, and squat down. She is fascinated with wearing Mardi Gras beads!
As a newborn, Kati-Lily looked just like Gabi. She has since grown into her own distinct features, and she now resembles me.
Kati is starting to use signs to communicate. Her favorite signs are perhaps
bird and
fish, although she does confuse them and generalizes both to refer to any animal. Every time we go outside, she signs
bird, which I assume is because she can hear birds singing, although it could just be that I always point out birds when we're outdoors.
Above, Kati is signing
fish as she watches the penguins swim in front of her.
Katarina's other signs include:
finished, and
rabbit. She tries to imitate animal sounds, which sounds like a cross between "woof woof" and "oo-oo-ah-ah." She finally started to say "Mama," although it usually means that she wants to get our attention so that she can sign. I have started taking her to the zoo so we can walk around and talk about the animals and other things we see in an effort to develop her language.