Today, Katarina Lillian is 18 months old! She weighs 20 lbs 2 oz (less than 5th percentile), measures 30 inches tall (10th percentile), and her head circumference is 17 ¾ cm (15th percentile). She just cut her first canine tooth, and the rest will follow soon.
Her receptive language and motor skills are excellent. I love watching her follow verbal commands such as "Throw this in the trash." When I put hot food on her tray, she signs hot and blows on it. She enjoys all the outdoor time we get walking the kids to school and playing on our block. She communicates using signs, pointing, some words, and (of course) tantrums. She can say: "no", "uh-oh," "more", "sister", "ball", "book", "shoes", "up", "down", "hi", "bye", "Mama", "Dada", and "What's that?"
In these pictures, she is wearing a Dizzie Izzie dress, which is locally-made and locally popular. We found it at the Sweet William Market on the Green in our neighborhood. As usual, I'm about a month behind on blog posts, but I wanted to share this growth milestone of my baby since she is growing so quickly.
Lego Kid!
8 years ago
awwww she's such a darling! :) i really wish i could meet her someday. then i'll teach her to say Smarla. hahaha