Thursday, September 2, 2010

Illustrating Rhymes and More

Tuesday night was Curriculum Night at the girls' school. We parents went to see the classrooms, talk to the teachers, and learn about what the kids will be doing this year. Gabi had written a note to welcome us to her classroom. It was so sweet!
Bella colored this picture on her first day of school:
Gabi drew these houses using pastels at school (although the colors are not pastel, and the second isn't finished). I love the details she puts into her work!
Over the summer, Gabi often spent time drawing and writing. I am impressed with her creative illustrations for these rhyming words:
ball, fall, y'all, wall, tall
Gabi even illustrated the Southern-ism "y'all"!
at, sat, cat, mat, rat
She found a way to illustrate "at"!
og, dog, pog, fog
Gabi created monsters named Og and Pog to rhyme with dog and fog.

Gabi has also been creating picture books to read to Katarina. Here are some of the animals she drew:

1 comment:

  1. I see these every day when I get home, but I'm still impressed.
