Bella is our very expressive two-and-a-half-year-old. She has the biggest smile and the loudest cry; she is hot or cold but genuine either way. Her wild hair requires attention every day but also garners compliments everywhere we go. She is active and constantly in motion. When she gets sick, it affects her more than most and causes awful coughs. We love her so much!
Bella's favorite colors are purple and yellow, a preference which colors most of her decisions from crayon or candy selection to which clothes or hairbows she is willing to wear. Getting her dressed for these pictures took much encouragement and distraction, and in the end only worked because she loves ladybugs (she'd just prefer yellow or purple ladybugs).
Bella started gymnastics this year, and it is the perfect activity for her! She took a parent-child class in the mornings when no one else was using the gym. The gym held a Spring Olympics program so all the classes could show off their skills. The program was extremely chaotic with multiple age groups rotating around, plus having an audience (which included Lolo and Lola!) was very confusing and distracting. I put together a video of the Olympics program, although my video-editing software was continually crashing, so I didn't professionally finish it. Watch for her to "blow kisses" at the end.
Bella adores her bigger sister Gabi and happily copies everything she does as they play. Bella is also a sweet big sister who loves to help take care of the baby. One day while I was standing in line at the post office, Bella kept talking and singing to Katarina and tucking her in with the little blanket I had in her carseat.
The last picture is Bella and some friends catching bubbles at preschool. Their last week of school was last week, and Bella misses it already (especially since big sister Gabi is still in school through this week).
Lego Kid!
8 years ago
Hooray! Great job Bella! I sent this video to my friend Andrea who competed with River City then coached there - she would be so proud! Thanks for sharing the pics and video!