Katarina is 2 months old today. One week ago, we baptized her at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart at Notre Dame. The ceremony was short, intimate, and informal. Several of our friends gathered with us, welcoming her into the Church and promising to guide her spiritually as she grows.
"Katarina Lillian, the Christian community welcomes you with great joy! In it's name, I now claim you for Christ our Savior by the sign of the cross. I will trace that cross on your forehead; I invite your parents, godparents and family members to do the same."
In this sacrament of baptism, Katarina has received the Holy Spirit and the grace to hear and respond to God's voice calling her to the fullness of life. She has been drawn into a community that will help her attune her ears to the voice of the One who calls her to life and to love and to belonging. We pray that she will be strengthened to resist the voices of evil in the world.
"Bathe this child in light." "Katarina, you have become a new creation and have clothed yourself in Christ... Bring that dignity unstained into the everlasting life of Heaven."
"Katarina, you have put on Christ; in Him you have been baptized. Hallelujah, Hallelujah!"
Katarina's godparents are our ND friend Cathy and my cousin Jennifer and her husband Ryan. Jennifer and Ryan were unable to attend the baptism, so George served as a proxy godfather. Godparents promise to be examples of faith to inspire Katarina.
Father Jim Foster baptized Katarina for us. As the chaplain of Knott Hall, he lived down the hall from Michael when we were at Notre Dame and said all their dorm Masses. He was also the chaplain of the Glee Club and traveled with them on tour. In addition, he serves in the pre-med program administration since he had been a doctor before receiving the call to the priesthood. With all of those connections to Fr. Jim, we asked him to preside at our wedding six and a half years ago. We were honored to have him celebrate Katarina's baptism with us now.
Before the afternoon baptismal ceremony, we celebrated with a Sunday Brunch at Tippecanoe. Thank you to all our friends and family who joined us in proclaiming, "Yes, we will be there throughout Katarina's life to help her discern what is true and good; to help her discern what is life-giving and what is love-giving; and to help her grow to become the best Katarina Lillian that she can possibly be."
Lego Kid!
8 years ago
Congrats little niece - what great pictures! Thanks for sharing them Lissa! :)