Friday, May 14, 2010

Katarina: 2 months

At her two-month check-up last week, Katarina weighed 10 lbs 9 oz (25-30%) and measured 21-1/2 inches long (20-25%). Her head circumference was 14-3/4" (5-10%). She is a perfect little baby! I often receive comments comparing her to a baby doll to express how pretty Katarina is: "She's so pretty! She looks just like a china doll." "You have a doll baby!" "Oh, that's a real baby? I thought she was a doll!" People also compliment her gorgeous skin tone and calm demeanor. I'm certainly very proud of my baby!
Kätchen is now 10-and-a-half weeks old. Two weeks ago, she reached the two-month mark. She is vocalizing more now, cooing sweetly when she's content. I adore her little voice!
Little Katarina shares her smiles more frequently these days, and I love to see every one! She definitely recognizes me, and her face will brighten up when she finds me.
Katarina is very alert and loves to look at her surroundings. She is interested in the toys hanging on her bouncer and she'll watch the mobile above her crib. Her favorite entertainment, though, is her big sisters!
Katarina is not a fan of the pacifier, but occasionally she'll take one.
My baby has been learning to self-soothe. In the past week, she has more consistently found her thumb to suck on.
Katarina is a wonderful baby, but she likes her 1 AM and 3:30 AM and 6 AM feedings. I am so exhausted, I feel like a zombie walking through the days. I tend to fall asleep in the chair while feeding her at some point in the night. Sometimes, if she wakes up more often than usual or has trouble going back to sleep, I'll bring the baby into our bed for her final nocturnal meal.
Katarina will sleep for several hours in the afternoon, though. That makes taking a nap so tempting, and some days I have to succumb. Bella still naps, but Gabi appreciates my attention and company during quiet time; thus, afternoons are the best bonding time I have with my eldest daughter, so I try to stay awake to play with Gabi.


  1. Gorgeous girl! (Who looks a lot like her oldest sister!)

  2. Ah...she looks so different! I love how all the girls have been so unique when they are/were babies...I can't wait to see them again (and you and Michael too). Thanks for the update sis!
